Merry Christmas from Prism!

First newsletter article! Exciting isn't it?

How time flies huh?

What a year this past 2024 has been…

It’s been almost a month since we launched PrismNews, and now you’ll hear from us for the first time!

So, apart from Christmas wishes what’s under the Tree for this news episode?
A few things, Here’s a quick list, we’ll dive deeper later on, but we understand if you want to spend your time with your loved ones rather than reading our Newsletter…
Won’t be long, promise.


  • Almost the entire Backend is finished!

  • Something about Santa Claus stealing our cookies…?

  • New Homepage!

for those who leave now: We hope you have a great Christmas, may the red-coca cola man be with you, and we hope your start into 2025 (my god) goes well!

Let’s do some Nerd Talk ey?

Prisms Backend is finished!

What does that mean?

Simplified, it means that the Chat is up and running, the Databases for Users, Authentication methods and widgets are in the final stages of being functional.
That doesn’t mean they are pretty, or that you can do anything with them yet, that simply means the ground work for them is done. Now we “just” have to pack it all into one big beautiful package for you to interact with.
Think of it like this:
YouTube has all the features like login, video upload etc. But without the Website that you interact with, it’s “useless”.
That is Prisms state. It works, but only when we pack it into a Website.

The Canvas Feature is Online!

and it’s even better than what we planned when we first came up with the Idea.
Even more exciting, YOU can try it out.
We’d love some feedback on it, so if there’s any bugs, or missing features you want to see implemented, contact us here: [email protected]

Cool… but how do I try it?
Originally we had a huge paragraph here showing you all the cool things you can do.
It is the day that this newsletter should be released and we made the last minute decision to not publish the feature as it’s own site, but rather let you try it on our homepage.
It’s on there, you don’t have to search for long!

We hope you have fun exploring, and can’t wait to hear what you think about it!

Server Infrastructure Online

What does that mean?
This is the part that you, as a user, will hopefully never have to think about.
We are working with to provide fast, secure and reliable servers for Prism, so that the app always runs smooth as butter, or cookie dough… Speaking off, who ate our cookies again?

Jokes aside, There is one thing we have to admit.
We are sorry to announce that Santa Claus actually did eat all your Cookies, so we’ve got none left to track you on our services…
So sorry.

New Homepage?

Yep! got a big makeover. it’s prettier than ever, and gives you an even better look into what we want Prism to be.

Go have a look!

With all that out of the way,
we once again want to wish you a very Merry Christmas, and a happy new Year.

Thank you for believing in my, and now our Vision,
Thank you for believing in Prism.

We’ll now be going into Christmas Break. Expect to hear from us late January.

We love you.

Prism out.